Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Slap in the Face for Mankind: Funerals

I have just returned from the funeral of a close friend’s father-in-law and couldn’t help but noticed that how frequently we friends started to meet at two kinds of events that are completely opposite to each other, lately:

1- Weddings

2- Funerals

Weddings became more like a usual event lately, as our generation heads towards the age 30. Of course it is normal as most of the people plan to get married before they turn 30. And I can understand that, but still it is interesting that we, as a love-to-hang-out youth, used to hang out solely and those were the main occasions we used to see each other--always in amusement.

I don't want to sound like I am trying to say weddings are boring, they are also fun but still, they involve seriousness as well, considering the whole marrying process is something serious. Deciding to live with someone, sharing almost all the stages of life, etc. Who can claim that this is not serious? I, personally do not find myself mature enough to do that right now, for instance. Not yet.

Secondly, funerals became so frequent than ever lately, it’s also because of the unbearable truth that we have grown up. As we grow, our parents grow older, and first our grandparents and then parents will end up deceased eventually. This also makes me feel creepy. Today it was so weird to see my friends feeling literally “alone” maybe for the first time in this world. We can always claim that we feel lonely every now and then, even when we do not have a girlfriend/boyfriend we complain about feeling “lonely”. But we never think what a great loneliness it could be, when we lose our most beloved ones. I literally saw this loneliness on my friends’ faces today at the funeral. They used to be 4 (members) in their family, now they’re 3 but it was strange that they all felt like they were 1 today. It seemed like the world’s gone empty for the day. I only hope that they will start to get used to it in days, I know they will. Lots of people did, so they will find a way. People always find a way.

We have this saying “time heals everything” and I strongly believe that. Maybe it does not erase all the scars that life left on us but it certainly “heals” a lot of things…

The best wish I heard today at the funeral meant different to me. As I thought about all these, it occurred to me that this simple wish was more meaningful than ever:

“We’ll see each other soon, hopefully at better events”…


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